Sunday, December 30, 2007


CLIMBING G KORBU - ON THE TRAIL OF SG SENOI TOWARDS THE NORTH RIDGE. The following is an interesting narrative on plant and personal experience of Forest Gan. LOcation- 101 18E 4 41N. The riverain trail up to 2750' gave one a strong impression of disturbed forest. We had tramped upon the country of Temiar people. The climb started from base camp at 1750'While contouring 3000', we were surprised to meet Agathis alba of good timber size. At contour 3750' a waterfall was met. This our last drinking water source up the mouontain. The steep climb turned NE away from the river. Forest weed, thorny bertam plam fringed the trail. Onwards to 5000' we first met Dacrydium beccarii, the montane tropical pine. Baeckia frutescens, Bambusaelegans( the thinnest mt bamboo of 3mm diameter)and Rhododendron spathulatum formed thickets. R. Spathulatum with elegant orange-red flower is conspicuos. The Australian sea-shore shrub Leucopogon malayanus which is characteristic of Tahan Range is locally abundant. Pitcher Plant Nepenthes Macfarlanei show off its red dotted color. After a easier gradient we struck upon the main range with E and S direction. We were S-bound for Korbu. We emerged on an open srub at 6000' on the Kelantan- Perak divide. Looking N the valley of Sg Korbu which drains from G. Gayong(7129') cuts deeply. Further NE G. Bubu(6474') is blue and the sharpest peak of all. G. Yong Yap(7113') view captured me. I was exhilarated. Oh, the S-wing from Sg.Kinta valley was most invigorating. I cannot bear but cry to the 7 mile distant mountains. It was 5pm and the air was most abnormally dry and warm. Continuing due S, we trekked under mossy cloud forest emerging many times to meet Lepospermum flavescens(NZ's tea tree) dominant with dark pitcher Nepenthes gracillima on its canopy. I experienced the trill of joy to walk on the true roof of Malay Peninsular. The night was bivouacked on a open scrub at 6300'On the ledge, I lay 6 hour sleepless night in the open. Temp was 15C. The 1st party arrived at summit by 9.45am. I counted more than 10 peaks over 6500'. Yong Blar(7156') knife edged separated the true Cameron H'lands of Kelantan side where Sg. Brooke raises its source. Further N are G. Sepat(7091') and G. Chamah(7123'. To the E, Tahan Range appears in dim hue, it was far far away.(65 miles)

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